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Essentially, choosing to go organic is a healthier and safer option for your whole family. It also means that you’re opting to work with nature and not against it.

That’s because organic farming supports keeping crops and soil healthy, as well as higher levels of animal welfare. So – how do we fit into all of that?

When you shop online at Aussie Farmers Direct, you can rest assured that all our organic food comes from trusted sources right here in Australia. Each farmer and producer we work with has created your groceries using animal-friendly and environmentally friendly methods to ensure our organic food is better for you, their animals and the planet. What’s not to love about all of that!

Boswellia: Bank on This Herb for Better Health

Health Benefits of Boswellia

Boswellia serrata is abundant in benefits such as reducing body inflammation and helping treat conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. It's also a painkiller, and can help inhibit cartilage loss. Boswellia can be used to alleviate asthma and may have protective effects against diseases like leukemia and breast cancer.

The boswellic acid in the herb assists with preventing leukotriene formation in the body. Leukotrienes have been identified as a cause of inflammation and may trigger asthma symptoms. Four other acids located in boswellia were found to help impede the development of a leukotriene-producing enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO). Out of these four, the acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA) is the most powerful.

What Is Boswellia Used For?

Boswellia use is divided into three categories: religious, cosmetic and medicinal. The Egyptians used boswellia serrata gum, or frankincense, to embalm their dearly departed, while Egyptian women made heavy kohl eyeliner by grinding frankincense into a fine powder.

Roman and Greek Catholics also used frankincense as incense in rituals. However, boswellia was most prominently utilized for its medicinal properties. The Chinese used boswellia as a stimulant, a topical ointment for injuries, skin eruptions and leprosy sores, mouthwash for mouth and throat problems, and pain reliever for menstrual discomfort. In India, the Ayurvedic practice relied on boswellia to help treat:


Ulcerative colitis



Urinary disorders

Nervous diseases






Snake bites



Today, you can purchase boswellia either as a resin, pill, cream or powder. The resin itself is even added to perfumes and cosmetics.

Tips for Growing Boswellia

Boswellia grows best in warm climates and under full sun, especially in dry and hilly areas, or with well-drained to dry and alkaline soil. Avoid planting boswellia in cold weather, as the trees can't handle frost. Its seeds are rare and expensive, so grow boswellia from large and stem cuttings. Prior to placing the plant in the ground, make sure there's at least 15 feet of open space around it. Here's an eHow tutorial on how to grow this plant at home.

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